Centar za razvoj socijalnog poduzetništva (CRSP) dobitnik je nagrade Youth Innovators Award, koju dodjeljuje Evropska Fondacija FEMYSO.
Dodjeli nagrada, koja je upriličena u Briselu 25. maja, na kojoj su prisustvovali predstavnici Europske komisije, Europskog parlamenta i predstavnici mnogih međunarodnih udruženja. Predstavnici CRSP-a i Bosna i Hercegovina su primili priznanje za najbolji projekat iz oblasti socijalnog poduzetništva, u konkurenciji od 20 projekata, iz 9 različitih zemalja.
Prenosimo vam dio govora projekt menadžera udruženja kojim se obratio prisutnima:
„Prije svega, želimo vam se zahvaliti na vašem gostoprimstvu i zahvaliti se komisiji koja je izabrala naš projekat kao najbolji u ovoj, 2016. godini. Također se želimo zahvaliti FEMYSO-u za svu podršku i prilike koje pružaju mladim ljudima. Velika je čast stajati ispred svih vas i predstavljati našu zemlju, naš projekat i nas same. U današnjem svijetu, u kojem društvene i ekonomske nejednakosti rastu širom svijeta, razvoj čovječanstva je u našim rukama. Iz tog razloga je važno podići svijest budućim generacijama mladih poduzetnika da je važno etički poslovati i da je moguće zaraditi i istovremeno pomoći razvoju društva.“, poručio je svim prisutnim projektni menadžer udruženja Adi Puran.
(Cijeli govor na engleskom jeziku možete pronaći na kraju ovog članka.)
Osvajanje „Youth Innovators Award“-a je primjer kojim CRSP želi pokazati mladima u Bosni i Hercegovini da se trudom može uspjeti i da uspjeh ne prolazi nezapaženo.
„Nismo očekivali da ćemo ovakvo priznanje dobiti u prvoj godini rada Udruženja, ali svakako je dobrodošlo. Odlučni smo i spremni za nove izazove. CRSP namjerava promijeniti društvo i ova nagrada je samo početak“, izjavio je Esmir Haznadar, predsjednik Udruženja.
Cijeli govor na engleskom:
Good afternoon everyone. First of all, I want to thank you for having us here today, and to thank the board for electing our project as the winner of FEMYSO’s 2016 Youth Innovation Award. We also want to thank FEMYSO for giving young people a chance to share their ideas with everyone. It is a great honor to stand here today in front of all of you and to represent our country, project and in the end ourselves.
Today with social and economic inequality growing worldwide, it is in our hands to help our societies to develop. So it is important to raise consciousness of the future generation of young entrepreneurs that it is important to do business on a human scale, that it is possible to make money, and in the same time do something good for our society. This is a new, creative method of doing business, where profit is obtained through a clear social mission without endangering social community.
Our idea which we will represent does not serve to enlarge the wealth of their own shareholders, the idea operates in order to contribute to social equality and improved living conditions. Our idea is composed out of 2 phases:
– The goal of the first phase is to unite all religious communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will serve as a center for donation of clothes. These clothes will later on be transported to our main warehouse, where paraplegics and injured war veterans will classify the clothes into 5 different categories. We will employ 5 people with disabilities
ple, whose job will be the classification of the donated clothes. Later on lower quality clothes will be donated, clothes with higher quality will be sold, and we will start making profit.
– In the second phase, the profit we make from selling our clothes will be used to train and educate these disabled peo so they gain expertise in tailoring and sewing skills.
A small company will be opened where we as a project team will supply the disabled employees with materials needed for creation of clothes. This would enable these people to have a chance of being a part of a business society, where they will make clothes and sell them through small boutiques. After the direct sales, small amount of profit will generate a specific fund which will be used to train and educate new disabled people to join their community as the business grows. Since disabled people have necessary capabilities to operate in such conditions, it’s possible to have a sustainable business such as this one, and to provide them a future in the business sector.
In the end, it is important to remind that we are all depending on our society, and it is composed out of ordinary people just like us. It is important to help our societies to develop, because if we can’t help them, its hard for them alone to help us.
The most important thing here is not the business, but the fact that we are changing these people’s lives. We are giving them opportunities which are very hard for them to get in the society. This is what makes it a social business. This is what makes it a business on a human scale.